We made it to Tavistock about 1:45 with shakey legs and met Howard there who filled our water and gave me some more welshcakes. We had a nice pasty from the original pasty shop too. Very nice.
From here it was 20 miles to Moretonhampstead but it was on the other side of Dartmoore. This is suposed to be the hardest part of the trip and fair do's it was tough. The hills were steep as and were in the clouds so we didn't have much to look at.
The hills down were just as steep as the ones up which kept us smiling, until we got to a sharp corner and found out how much understeer you get on these tyres. Eek!
Crossing dartmoore was a killer on the legs but we were chuffed having done it and still able to carry on today.
We found the hostel but no one was in so we let ourselves in, then so did everyone else who turned up. Spent the evening then talking to the other guests and eating.
It's something I miss about traveling - staying in hostels talking to random people and finding out where they're from and where they're going.
Anyway. Must dash, in Exeter right now 12 miles in to day 3. Laters.
Taken from: Le-Jog Blog