by the way...

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Who's bright idea was this?

Hiya, Nathan here, the fatter of the two doing this crazy cycle ride from Lands End to John O'Groats. First off, cheers to Capstone for the publicity and the sponsorship.

To save me filling this post with the history and info about Gigabites (where the sponsor money is going) and to save me some time which I don't have, I'll point you to a few links:

Gigabites Youth Project Website (under development!)
The Lejog Blog
BBC News :)

What I will say that those links don't is that I think Gigabites is a very much needed project in Bargoed. I enjoy working with all the young people that come in, from the ones that say 'please' and 'thank you' to the ones that throw chairs at you. Gigabites isn't just there to give them somewhere to go but to offer them opportunities and experiences that they wouldn't otherwise get, we're also there to offer support and advice which we try to give them without them realising it.

So please sponsor us, it does mean a lot, and will encourage us to keep cycling!
